It’s so good to meet you!!!
I am a cosmetologist turned photographer. I have always been drawn to cameras for as long as I can remember, I think part of it is I don’t have the best memory and photos can instantly bring me back to a moment.
When it was time to start making college decisions I knew that route was not for me. Shortly after graduation I received my cosmetology license worked for about 2 years doing bridal hair and makeup and quickly shifted over to wedding photography when I realized my heart was always and will always be there.
I captured my first wedding in 2017 at the Cordelle. 300 weddings later…I have been hooked ever sense.

March to the beat of your own drum
Graduated high school
2014 was an interesting year. I had teachers questioning me in college decisions, telling me without a degree I wouldn’t go anywhere, and I am so glad I didn’t listen.
Instead of college I decided to attend Aveda, and received my cosmetology license. When I graduated I worked in the bridal industry doing hair and makeup. This was my plan to get from a to b, and it happened way faster than

Photographed my first wedding
Before I got where I am today I got my start with a local photographer here, John Myers. I was shooting weddings under his brand, and in 2.5 years I was able to get over 120 weddings under my belt. I was able to learn and grow much quicker than I ever would have been able to on my own. John, if you ever reach this I hope you know I am forever grateful to you.
Met my husband
2017 is a year I will never forget. Long story short I showed up to a Catholic Harry Potter themed wedding to photograph it, and said in her head, “there’s no way there will be anyone cute here.” In walks a groomsmen with a bandaid in the middle of his forehead…and the rest? Well it’s is history.
But also ask me about it at your engagement session it’s a pretty hilarious story.
Married my other half, and our family grew
February 1st, 2020 Cody and I got married at Church of the Assumption in Nashville and celebrated with all our people at The Cordelle. It was the most wild timing as a month later the world shut down, and the church we got married at was had substational tornado damage.
Later that year in December we welcomed our son Thatcher into the world. He is all boy, all wild, but so fun and we couldn’t imagine our life without him.
2020 was a year I will never forget.

Still head over heels for my job
I always knew I wanted to be a photographer, but I am 8 years in I would never imagine where I am today. Lots of work was put in, long hours, late nights, sweat and tears, but I am so very thankful for the opportunity to capture moments for my clients.


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